Yes. Some regrettable intemperance on my part - in both senses.
Mind you, in my defence, he had been particularly irritatingly sneering and evasive in the run-up to the referendum and I was properly steaming.
Very nice. I hope you enjoy it.
I haven't eaten Michelin-starred noncery for over a year (Barrafina aside) and, I must say, I'm more than happy with my choice.
However, the service and attention to detail at Le Manoir make it a vastly enjoyable experience at any time. And the foodponcery is far less poncey than some foodponcery. L'Enclume, I'm looking sternly at you.
I am not confused type, sw.
My chromosomes are firmly in the XY camp...
“Other clubs never came into my thoughts once I knew Arsenal wanted to sign me.”
Dear old Jeremy. I think of him now, holed up in his Islington bunker, surrounded by sycophants tasked by Seumas Milne with tranquilising Jez if he even looks like talking to a proper journalist. I'm starting to think that if he dies, Momentum might just stuff him a la thon chap in the Tom Sharpe book rather than sacrifice their chance of holding onto leadership of the party.
My point is that I cannot recall Jorge ever being quite so virulently unpleasant to anyone as Berni was to him. It simply isn't Jorge's style. You, me, Berni, several other posters are frequently foul to each other but that is how we roll.
Berni was simply miffed at what he believed to be a Brexit failure and his response was way beyond the pale. He should apologize to Jorge.
That's just a difference in style. Jorge leans towards the caustic, whereas Berni goes for the jugular. Jorge excels at cloaking his insults in humour, while Berni jumps at any opportunity to flex his loqacious muscles.
It's all good bantz. Until it's not.
Jorge repeatedly says things that are wildly inaccurate, untrue and deeply offensive to anyone of any intelligence. His stock in trade is the sneer, he repeatedly refuses to engage with the points others make, preferring the glib elision and put-down and that can be infuriating. He is and has been deeply nasty to many posters in his time.
Did I lose my rag a bit? Yes. Am I going to apologise? Am I ****.
Did you see his pathetic, mealy mouthed expression of “regret” for describing Hamas as his friends? The only problem being, he made absolutely no effort to explain why he regretted saying it, leaving the overwhelming impression that what he actually regrets is the fact that the comments have come back to bite him on the arse now he’s in a position where he’s actually accountable for what he says.