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Thread: Afternoon AWIMB. I was meaning to tell all of you wrinklies that I spent the weekend at Butlins.

  1. #1

    Afternoon AWIMB. I was meaning to tell all of you wrinklies that I spent the weekend at Butlins.

    Is this what you were all subjected to during your youth? I mean, jesus, it was worse than we all thought it would be. A proper toilet.

    Whilst in Pizza Hut () I heard a Northern man () say that "like the food's proper good everywhere here, quality like, but it's not 8 quid good is it".

  2. #2

    I've never been, j. What on earth possessed you? Frown

  3. #3

    I've heard centreparks is actually quite good

    Obviously "quite good" is an extremely relative phrase when it comes to holidaying with a small child.

  4. #4

    Wasn't a music festival then?

    I know of people who attend such events at Butlins at least once a year.

  5. #5

    northern soul odd ball types with half mast trousers, talc and greased hair who cant

    accept its not 1950 or that they are not american ?

  6. #6

    Don't be a snob, Jake. There's a good chap. You might find thon gritty northerner next to you in the

    trenches one day, sharing his tin of bully beef and watching your back, and then you'll appreciate his sort.

    I went to a Pontins in Devon in my infanthood. A more up-market Butlins, I gather. Stayed in a chalet next to the pool. Great, it were.

  7. #7

    Good God. I need to go for a lie down Frown

  8. #8

    Northern Soul just tends to be all-nighters.

    Which I have attended quite a few of.

    The all weekend festivals are more ATP which are held in Butlins Minehead, or a Stockport Soul Weekend.

    Actuall had a chat with a few like minded folk just recently about heading over to this: px

    It was decided to be a terrible idea.

  9. #9

    What?! It wasn't 8 quid good

  10. #10

    Was. A techno festival. Picture it: techno in bingo halls. Indifferent

    A particularly digusting fat f**ker had the front to attempt to take our drugs from the car.

    Imagine going to Butlins without chemically anesthetising yourself, imagine.

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