almost Victorian style - the way one used to write business letters when I started work in the 80s, really.
"We trust that the above and attached are to your approval and look forward to receiving the favour of your valued further instructions." That sort of thing.
No one's commented on this yet. There must be some people out there scratching their heads, wondering why they're doing business with a character out of a Dickens novel.
Nor mine, really. Never given much of a toss either way. But seeing where his position was supposed to have been, it just didn’t make any sense. Why would he choose to take incredibly difficult shots at a target driving away from him while having to lean awkwardly out of a window rather than simply take the much easier, front-on shot as the car was heading up Houston before it had made the left turn onto Elm? Doesn’t make any sense.
And that’s before we get into just how good a shot he’d have had to have been to hit Kennedy.