The same stop and search he came into office vowing to stop because waycism - and then loads of people got stabbed.
Hmmm It's almost like stop and search works in preventing violent crime, isn't it?
Possibly, but let's be honest, decent, upstanding chaps like you and me aren't going to be stopped and searched, are we? That's going to happen to feral street rats for whom possession is the least of their offences.
Of course, that whole nonsense could be overcome by simply legalising or decriminalising drugs. We really are a long way behind much o the western world on this now. It's embarrassing when large chunks of the United States have a more enlightened approach to drug use than we do, ffs!
Devil's advocate here - I have always been firmly in favour of legalizing all drugs and I guess I remain so to this day.
But I admit I never saw the flooding of opioids into Canada and America coming on the back of the legalization of marijuana. It's a massive issue and not just amongst the lowlifes. I had a cousin lose a son to a heroin overdoes in an upscale suburb of Toronto. A friend from university had to do an intervention for his son who had discovered fentanyl and almost died, he's in recovery now.
The legalization of all drugs is more complicated than many thought including me.
I don't see the link with grass. The rise in opioid addiction in North America has far more to do with incredibly lax prescribing practices (and undue pressure from the drug companies) that created huge numbers of 'legal' addicts who - when the prescribing practices were tightened up - only had heroin as a possible backup.
But that's not an issue here, cos we've been properly battering smack since before the First Opium War. Colleridge, Austen etc never got clean.
And no self-respecting British junkie's gonna do Fentanyl or whatever it's called cos it won't run on the foil or taste right in the veins like proper British smack does.
If we're gonna compare apples with oranges, I could point out that the one area of India with no smack issue is the Himachal region where everyone is smoking the top (Manali charas style) hash that grows there.
If India isn't relevant to us,neither is N. Am.