Can we please not discuss Sir and Lady C's conjugals (or lack thereof)? The image of him marking things with intercourse is really too much.
May I remind you that my own conjugals (or lack thereof) have been a constant source of fascination to you both since I revealed that I may not be enjoying the most fruitful period of my life, fanny-wise.
May I remind you that my own conjugals (or lack thereof) have been a constant source of fascination to you both since I revealed that I may not be enjoying the most fruitful period of my life, fanny-wise.
Well that's because you were foolish enough to volunteer the information. You can hardly expect us to let a morsel like the fact that your missus wants none of you pass, can you?
Well that's because you were foolish enough to volunteer the information. You can hardly expect us to let a morsel like the fact that your missus wants none of you pass, can you?
Actually, and I hope very much that this brings the whole matter to a close, there has been some progress in this regard.