Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
That's in Ledakh. That's the nicest place I've ever been in the world. Only place with no poverty, where everyone is smiling all the time. A veritable, almost literal Nirvana.

I'm not up for Septic war-mongers as a rule, but when General MacArthur suggested nuking the twelve biggest Chink cities in 1950, they should have gone along with it.

The scum invaded Tibet the next year. They wouldn't have been able to do that if most of their cities were radioactive rubble. The Septics missed a trick there. We were happy to gas the uppity hill tribes when we were top dog, so why didn't they "Take up the white man's burden" as Kipling asked them to?
You might as well ask why, in 1945, we didn’t push through Berlin to Moscow and beyond.

The answer is, a lack of *******s.