how does someone get that fat, that ugly and that old in just 16 years.
Is he an African 16 year old?
Also people don't know how hard it is.
though looking at my darts app recap
45.89 3 dart Average
115.62 Best Average
13 Darts Best Leg
121 Highest Finish
180 Highest score
12 180s
Though I haven't been playing much lately. I was a bit obsessed for a while. Thought I had cracked it when I got 2 180's in the space of 30 mins. only to return to awful the next day.
That, fleshy, square headed, pasty complexion on the young lad does lend itself to one of those photo shopped, top lip moustaches though.
Luke Hitler ? Needs work obviously but it could conjure up a new stage identity for next years heady, fancy dress atmosphere that is the Ally Pally. Food for thought ?