Quote Originally Posted by John Bunnell View Post
Absolutely sensational stuff.
He's great. We forget how chuffed we were in his first season. Best RB since Sagna. And his injury cost us top 4. But like last year.

I feel for KT cos we loved him at first - an AW style LB.

But having Tommy, Jakob and Timber as the cover for the back 4 with inverted FB options on both sides will be great next season. Tommy's learned to play inverted LB, so could do that on the right with Kiwior as LCH.

In some ways, Timber's injury may be really good for him. He'll have all year to prove what he can do and then we'll be able to swap around as we need.

Tommy looks a bargain at that price and age.

If Timber's as good as he looked at first glance and Kiwior keeps improving, we won't have to touch the defence for 5 years. 7 players who can cover all the options.