Quote Originally Posted by John Bunnell View Post
I'm going to bite my tongue out of respect that you're a man, like me, who likes cats.
Puddle Paws was dribbling on his bottom lick when I gave him a stroke just now. He goes psycho for fresh, raw tuna. We have to buy 2 packets {of two fillets each} now, so he can have won - we carpaccio the other 3 between us.

I'd never eaten tinned tuna, but Aldi had some in spring water instead of oil or brine so thought I'd try him on some of that. Now he refuses to eat his dreamies and just walks from his food cupboard to the fridge demanding more tinned tuna.

And the Licky Lix - dear God, have you tried them on those? Crack-heads white-spotting on the floor for crumbs of crack have nothing on Puddles when you put the Licky Lix out for him. They'd ban it if it was for humans.