Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
We have a first-class left back in the squad imo, but I think one of the strengths of the team is that Zinchenko plays from an usual area (and we have Xhaka to drop into the space he leaves behind plus the rather under-rated Gabriel to shore up that side)
I agree re the wee jockie chap, but Arteta doesn't seem to. He even had Tomi over there when Ziny was injured. I can't imagine him being with the club next season.

I love the way we use Ziny on the ball with him moving into midfield, it does however leave us rather exposed when we don't have the ball. Xhaka covering at LB doesn't fill me with joy.

And while Xhaka has been good this season, I still wonder if we couldn't have someone better there, Ziny would be perfect for that role.

Anyway, nice problem to have.