The Mudryk deal will happen…when I ain’t got a clue but the kid only wants to play for us now so not worried.

There are clubs who can pay him way more than us but he’s a deeply religious kid so he won’t be swayed by money. Don’t know of any other player out there who spends a couple hours every day reading the bible. Weird.

They also need to get the Joe Felix deal done.

No brainer that one. Sort of Kanu X factor that kid plus he’s world class. To be honest they should’ve done this earlier in the week so we could start him vs Oxford.

Now we got to sweat on Eddie not doing a hamstring or something.

I’d like us to keep Cedric and Marquinhos too.

Don’t see the rush to let people go considering what’s to play for.

This a long 2nd half of the season and things can change quickly.