Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
I'm not sure it was relevant, but last night I dreamt that I went to the top of the Empire State Building to watch The Arsenal; our players were mainly giraffes with horse's faces. One was Barney and another was Patrick Vieira. On the left wing was a monkey version of Moses. (My cat Moses, not jewish sea-parter Moses).

Anyway, the game was dull, dull, dull.
I had a dream the other day where I took a job as the CEO of the Sealed Knot and one of my first official duties was to go to some big country house and address the hordes who'd turned up for a battle. So I went there dressed as King Charles I for some reason, which divided the crowd to say the least. And then a group of women from my work turned up and they'd all grown Van Dyck beards. Then I woke up.

So I think you'll agree that that speaks for itself.