Quote Originally Posted by Pat Vegas View Post
in terms that the victims appear to part of the LGBT community.
and it's Pride month.
I'm not surprised at all. Everyone else gets thrown under the bus if it's about not revealing that this was a blatantly homophobic attack by a muslim 'asylum seeker' on three obviously gay men.
Even while they were still warm Stonewall could barely wait to get through the boilerplate condolences over the deaths of gay men before getting to the real threat: Islamophobic rhetoric.

Robbie de Santos, director of Stonewall, paid tribute to Furlong and Ritchie-Bennett. He said: “Our thoughts are with those affected by the attack in Reading on Saturday. It’s heartbreaking to hear two of the victims were LGBT.

“But we can’t let Islamophobic, racist and xenophobic rhetoric be used to divide us. We must stand together to make progress.”
Plus the perpetrator's family get more media airtime than those of the victims and we hear about how he was mentally ill, etc, etc.
But fly a banner saying 'White Lives Matter' behind an aeroplane and suddenly every media prick who's been mysteriously silent suddenly loses their shít. It's f@cking sickening.