Quote Originally Posted by dismalswamp View Post
From the Stanford and other studies, true lethality rate is around 0.02%. No more severe than any seasonal flu.

The peak in the UK was around the 8th of April, should any lockdown methods have made any difference whatsoever, it was too late. (hint they would not have)

The slowing of infection was a flawed strategy, all it achieved was slowing the time taken to reach the immunity wall, therefore putting the vulnerable at risk for an extended period of time. Stay home, save lives in reality, was actually, stay home, cost lives. At no point was the NHS ever overwhelmed.

Social distancing removes ones ability to fight any alien pathogens, as to put in layman's terms the human body's good bugs, day in day out, are spoiling for a fight. Removal of the normal presence of alien-invaders for an extended period of time lessens these defenses, leaving one more prone to ANY viral infection.

Hand-sanitizer, whilst yes does remove the virus, when used excessively for no good reason, also strips the bodies natural good-guys away, similarly leaving one more prone to infection.

Face-masks are completely useless as virus is not airborne and if sneezed or coughed on, can get in through the eyes anyway.

The virus has no effect on children, leaving schools open would have created the immunity wall and protected the nation. Children also rarely infect adults. From the UK's numbers, only 7 under 10s have tragically died from from this, and 5 of those had known underlying conditions.

In the UK so far, deaths from under 45s is less than 350 in total.

The flu-vaccine, in addition to being useless for anyone who does not own a time machine, would make one 36% more likely to be infected with the corona-virus. As the virus is scientifically 'done' now, there is no need to harp on about developing a virus, there is absolutely no point.

To summarize, every single piece of government advice was counter-productive or just plain wrong. This is before we pull part the IC's joke predictions and flawed computer models, and without going down any conspiracy rabbit holes regarding Professor Lockdown-Pantsdown and his left-wing climate change, anti fossil fuel bint.

Securing the vulnerable and Keep Calm Carry On would have meant we were free to enjoy bank-holiday VE day, rather than operating under wartime conditions. Take Sweden as a case in point.

What has this cost? How many lives have been lost due to this junk science? Who is going to be held accountable?
Will this once great nation wake up from its brainwashed, terrified slumber and stop propagating and regurgitating mistruths they are spoon fed on social media and start asking questions, rather than accepting what they are told?

Science is the ENDLESS pursuit for the truth. Science is never settled.

dismal out
Well, you've not learned anything and we've learned you are a moron