Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Temperature spiked yesterday. "Here we go" thinks I.

So I go to bed last night feeling a bit rough and assuming things are going to get worse. I have some pretty freaky dreams (one featuring Sir C and him getting possessed and his arms going weird, but that's not important right now) and wake up this morning feeling...absolutely fine. Bit washed out, but basically fine. Temperature normal, sore throat gone.

So here's the question: Did I not have it and just have some sort of gay ordinary bug? Or did I have it, still have it and it's going to come back in some horrid form? Or have I just been really lucky and just had it incredibly mildly?

What do you think, Awimb?
It could be it. I am sure loads of us have already had it. When the full picture is known later on hopefully we won’t have to go through this nonsense again.