Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Which particular socialist loony is your choice for leader of the socialist loony party, g? As far as I can tell they all seem to be more concerned with trans rights than with ameliorating the condition of the working classes.
I hate them all, C.

I would have rejoined to vote for Kier Starmer if it had been close vs RLB, just to pîss off the Corbynistas. But the party is a joke. That chap going for deputy - said that we wouldn't be able to scramble jets to thwart an invasion until Lab members had had a conference vote on it, and thinks we need a tabloid paper because the plebs are too thick to read long words.

My party has been taken over by a bunch of semi-literate Stalinists. Have you seen that Scotland woman playing the race card with the Commonwealth over being allowed to be corrupt?

They're evil, C. They claim to care about the most disadvantaged in our society, but really they're happy to see the Tories stay in power and keep playing the victim card.

I don't see a solution. We've become like the LDs - just playing at politics.