Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
To be fair, at least they do actually live in a democracy, something no-one who lives in France can claim. There, you get to choose an elected monarch once every seven years, after which he can do exactly whatever the fúck he (it's always a he) likes with zero Parliamentary scrutiny. Stupid frogs.
Other than the fact that the president has only ruled for 5 years since Chiraq's 2nd term (2002-7), I'm so glad you agree with my French Commie mate's reasoning for supporting Melenchon's France Insoumise {FI}.

His sole manifesto was creating a 6e République based on the British system {well, Indian with a titular president, not a monarch.} He would then have called fresh elections straight away.

The the socialists had pulled out in 2017, and a chunk of that 6% voted for Melenchon, he'd have made the run off.

But good to see you agree with us Gilets Jaunes types. There's hope for you yet.

{When my mate told me FI's plans and I said it was basically the system we'd been telling you to use for over 200 years, he laughed and said that was the problem - if it hadn't been what the Brits had suggested, France would have done it years ago.}