Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Just think how you could blow their minds with a suggestion like 'Hey lads. How about we just let the candidates campaign for a bit and then let all registered members of the party have a couple of run-off votes to whittle down the number of candidates and then have a deciding vote between the last two to see who should be our Presidential candidate? It could be done in about two months - three tops."

I'm struggling to see what the problem would be with this.
The Yanks always live in 1783. cf their need for guns to protect them from George III's Redcoats even though the state now has Apache gunships, tanks and drones and the like.

They designed their system at a time when the candidates would have to traverse the continent on horse and cart. Now we have tv debates and jets, there's no need for it to last longer than a UK campaign. But they're backward.

It's like that Christian sect that still lives in the C18th. God doesn't want you to enjoy His blessings of modernity. Nor to live as people did in Jesus's time, which would at least have some sort of logic to it. No, God wants you to live as we did when the goras first got to Amerikaland.

But the most stupid bit of the Septic system, the electoral college, is also to do with the horse and cart bit. Nowadays, they could just count the vote on the day. But instead you have a situation, such as 2000or 2016, when the Yank with the most votes loses.

And all the silly Septic cünts think this is both normal and acceptable.

Like supposedly having an independent judiciary, but choosing the judges on their politics, and then allowing the randomness of their dates of death to lead to constitutional decisions that go against the current will of the electorate and will set the course for the next generation or two.