Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Cobras. I know Shiva has one so I shouldn't slag them off. But I saw this king cobra on youtube. He tried it on with a female, but she wasn't up for it, as she'd just had a shag and been impregnated. So he bit her dead. And then tried to munch her. But because she was too big, he regurgitated her back out. Nasty piece of work, that one.

Saw one by mistake in Delhi zoo when we took some of the street kids there. It was white and not very big. So I tapped the glass, thinking it was just a normal snake, and it did the rear up and hood out thing. Fücking scary, I can tell you. Wouldn't want to meet one in the wild.
That is very un-gallant behaviour. I feel sure even Sir C would approve of topping any animal that behaves so badly towards its womenfolk. Thankfully, mongooses have those c@nts' numbers imo.