Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Re C, the justification is that with the current parliament there is no chance of no deal going through unless it is explicitly demanded by the public in a clear vote.

If you believe that there is no chance of an acceptable deal for Leave voters (I fail to see how anyone can think that will happen given what we've been through) and that therefore the only Leave option is no deal and you want to leave the EU, I'm not sure I understand why you wouldn't support the referendum I described.

Rightly or wrongly, it's your only chance of getting what you want.
None of that justifies remain being on the ballot, though. That was explicitly rejected in exactly the same sort of democratic exercise you propose back in 2016. Why should Remain be allowed a second bite simply because the previous administration negotiated incompetently and because Remain MPs have done their damnedest to frustrate any form of Brexit in order to achieve exactly this result whereby they are able to present the public with a choice between their preferred result (remain) and the most traumatic outcome possible?

And, given which, were such a vote to take place, what faith could voters possibly have that it would be respected?

No. Sorry. None of this argument stands up.