Quote Originally Posted by AFC East View Post
Let’s face it, awimb on politics is as accurate as a broken clock. The last few months I’ve read Nostradamus like attempts to make lousy predictions match the reality. I can’t think of anyone I’d exclude.

Parliamentary politics is about relationships and deals. How could any of us have enough insight to predict what will happen with any certainty?

As for BoJo, I agree with B, he will win an election, and will immediately tone down his rhetoric, unlike Trump. BoJo will have fulfilled his life’s ambition and is much thicker skinned.

We saw the prototype as mayor. Some will describe him as asinine and he will be fairly devoid of any interesting ideas, but he will be pretty steady none the less.
He's not asinine. Donkeys are cool. They're much nicer than Brexiters or Tories. Benjamin the Donkey was ace in Animal Farm. He was the only non-pig who could read.

Don-keys good. Bo-Jo bad.