Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Oh, KGB files could be inaccurate, certainly, but I have total faith in Gordievsky's word and he not only saw the files, he was friends with Foot's case officer, who told him this stuff as well.

Interestingly, Macintyre lets Foot off the hook by saying he didn't impart any state secrets (because he didn't know any) and probably would have been shocked that the KGB had him listed as an agent. He also thinks the money given to him was probably spent propping Tribune up financially. He mostly seems to have told his handler about internal Labour politics and the Trade Union movement (not that they'd have needed to know much about that, given that Jack Jones was a paid KGB agent).

Nonetheless, he knowingly gave information to and took money from an enemy power at a time when we were in an effective state of undeclared war with them. I'd have hanged the scruffy old cùnt.
An effective state of undeclared war.... or in other words, not at war

Just for the record, I dont believe a ****ing word of it.