Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Used to be 28 as I recall. Then it magically went to 21. Now it's down to 14. How long to 7?

Amazing that the human body - a product of arbitrary genetic change and the evolutionary process - should develop into something which experiences the negative impact of another substance linearly with the number 7.

That, or more likely, the whole thing is a load of unscientific nonsense promoted by a group of people who seem to think it is their job to tell us how to live, as opposed to helping us live longer.

Tossers. And to make it worse, they now have a program rattling on about it that features another tosser.

14 units is about a litre of wine.

A litre of wine. One and a quarter bottles of wine. Per week.

Seriously, these people are mental. Surely the human body cannot survive on one litre per week?