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Thread: Blokes on moped mounted the curb and snatched the missus's phone this morning

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  1. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
    OK, as you insist on paraphrasing everything I say (running the show??) let me do the same to you.

    Islam is inherently evil, they come here and try and change our law, rape our young women, they want to kill us all and they breed like ****ing rabbits so in 30 years time we will be completely overrun by them and will be under Sharia law. Is that what you want? I suppose you'd like that wouldn't you, eh????

    You come out with all this **** when even by your own admission your experience of this evil is listening to a few comments from Ash's London walks, having to sit next to the odd muslim on the tube and stalking your only muslim neighbour (the non contract signing ****) with requests for selfies.

    And on top of all that when somebody who actually grew up alongside these communities gives up trying to talk you down and attempts to diffuse your nonsense by ending the conversation you resort to childish insults and 'talk sport-like' provocation.

    I suppose what I am trying to say is that instead of sitting on here holding forth about islamic scripture why don't you actually go out and talk to some of these people?

    Now, shall we move on to Brexit?
    You grew up with largely secular and westernised Turkish Cypriots. They are not the problem and neither are they anywhere near the most statistically significant muslim population in this country. By contrast, my wife grew up in Bradford alongside muslims who still have the dust of the Kashmir and the Punjab still on their shalwar kameez. She got a bit sick of being called 'kuffar whore' every day when she dared to wear jeans or a skirt. She was also utterly unfazed by the grooming scandals, since she and everyone else she'd grown up with had known they were going on for years.

    Those are the people we're dealing with, p. And let's call them what they are: barbarians. And we are filling our towns and cities with them.
    Last edited by Burney; 08-22-2017 at 11:43 AM.

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