Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
I pay an arm and a leg in Council Tax and about the only service I need is the binmen. Now these *******s on the dust have produced a set of rules that mean there is more than a 50% chance they will refuse to collect your rubbish. Bag too big, or too heavy, or in slightly the wrong place, or too many of them. This week I put out four, they left a note saying they can only take three and didn't take any of them. ****s.

I want my money back.....
'on the dust' I remember the first time I heard that expression I thought I'd shít myself with laughter, especially as it was a woman talking about her husband saying, "'E used to be orn the dust but of course he's been on the sick for some years now wiv 'is toe."

Common people are funny, if you can foirget the whole 'spongeing off the rest of us' issue.