Hi i am doing well . Happier in part time job in art centre and met some nice people their but still got issues to do with my anxiety. long way to go but getting their
I am still optimismic in terms of supporting a team that still win fa cups and keep getting into top four.. But i do think even if arsene wins european cup in cardiff on june 6th that we need to think of long term replacement. He is nearly 68 and we at some point will need to think to the future. But lets hope we can leave with european cup or fa cup on him.
Hi sadly no ladies. I did fancy this girl like crazy at work but she has a boyfriend and would never go out with me in million years. Their is this finnish girl who i think fancy me but i don,t see her that way. Its hard when you work in place full of attactive women.
I meant to say she is from finland. Anyway how you doing pat. Hope life good for you man