Quote Originally Posted by World's End Stella View Post
I think his crime was minimising the impact of sexual abuse of children by suggesting that the best approach would be to live with it until you get older and then 'sort them out'.

Which sounds a pathetically stupid thing to think, let alone say. A sackable offence for someone whose job puts them in the public eye? Certainly in today's climate. Caused solely or mostly by reaction social media? Probably.

But I would say the same thing about the idea that the left is stifling debate by throwing 'isms' around every time someone states a contrary opinion. Are they really stifling opinion or is it just social media going overboard whenever given the chance?

The latter, I think. So back to Burney's original point, yes social media is a load of c*nt.
Not so much stifling opinion, I think, as killing the debate, preferably before it even starts. As you have just done there*, in fact.

*That is if I may presume you haven't actually studied the arguments from both sides, and instead, just accepted the "corporate" line almost by default.