Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
Lumpy mash? Luxury! At least there was some evidence that it was made with potatoes. The mash I had was instant mash hydrated with dishwater and sour milk ISTR. Utterly foul.

Cabbage boiled to death in dishwater.

All other vegetables boiled to death in dishwater.

Liver. Kidneys. Mushrooms

And until age 12 I had to eat it all.
I'd have killed for proper instant mash. It did at least taste of something - not potatoes, of course - but something. No, school dinners had the weird knack of forming mash into dense, odd-smelling balls that didn't really taste of anything at all.

It's the gristly, sub-Tyne brand mince that haunts my nightmares. Occasionally they'd throw a bit of crappy, lard-laden pastry on top of it and call it a pie.

Sausage and mash was a good day. Crappy, catering pack sausages and the aforementioned mash, but at least they'd throw gravy over it. A bad day was a piece of liver you could sole your show with accompanied by tinned boiled potatoes.

Fridays at least you got fish and chips. Weird fish and shít, cold chips, but still.