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Thread: I tell you what Clive, if I was a jewish I'd be feeling a trifle nervous right now.

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by The Jorge View Post
    This just from an hour ago:
    I would like to send my warmest wishes to Jewish communities all over Britain who are preparing for the Pesach holiday.
    I have always been moved by the Passover story of the Israelite escape from enslavement. It is a universal message of the struggle for liberation and freedom, and one that continues to inspire many who fight for justice and equality all over the world.
    The 19th century Rabbi of the North London Synagogue, Joseph Morris, summed up its meaning when he said: “Passover affirms the great truth that liberty is the inalienable right of every human being."
    That is the message I will be thinking of over the Pesach holiday. I believe it is an aim and a principle that every one of us can support and cherish.
    I would like to wish you all Chag Sameach.

    10 characters

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by The Jorge View Post
    This just from an hour ago:
    I would like to send my warmest wishes to Jewish communities all over Britain who are preparing for the Pesach holiday.
    I have always been moved by the Passover story of the Israelite escape from enslavement. It is a universal message of the struggle for liberation and freedom, and one that continues to inspire many who fight for justice and equality all over the world.
    The 19th century Rabbi of the North London Synagogue, Joseph Morris, summed up its meaning when he said: “Passover affirms the great truth that liberty is the inalienable right of every human being."
    That is the message I will be thinking of over the Pesach holiday. I believe it is an aim and a principle that every one of us can support and cherish.
    I would like to wish you all Chag Sameach.
    Ah... Re-working the ' Why, some of my best friends are black schtick. Pack it in Jezza, you're not fooling anyone.

  3. #13
    The Jorge
    Quote Originally Posted by 7sisters View Post
    Ah... Re-working the ' Why, some of my best friends are black schtick. Pack it in Jezza, you're not fooling anyone.
    In fairness, some of his best friends *are* black,

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by 7sisters View Post
    Ah... Re-working the ' Why, some of my best friends are black schtick. Pack it in Jezza, you're not fooling anyone.
    Can you cite evidence to support your claim, beyond the 'friend of a friend of a friend once shared a train carriage with a one-eyed man with a hook for a hand' type innuendo?

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by The Jorge View Post
    he's got jewish bloody ancestors.

    Stop believing telegraph scare stories. Jeremy is a nice man, just because he doesnt believe that all Muslims are evil it doesnt make him an anti-semite.
    Jesus wept at the weakness of that argument j - come on

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
    Jesus wept at the weakness of that argument j - come on
    apparently all based on this quote

    “Going back a lot further, there is a Jewish element in the family, probably from Germany.” ffs

  7. #17
    Are we talking about Zac now? Who lobbied ministers about Babar Ahmad, the had his campaign point out how close Khan was to him?

  8. #18
    The Jorge
    He employed a Jewish chap in his constituency office, I believe. He's not an anti-semite FFS.

    I think there's a concerted effort to paint anybody who criticises Israel as an anti-semite, which is ridiculous as I know plenty of actual card-carrying jews who object to it.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post

    10 characters
    It's odd, that with such a love for Red Sea pedestrians, he's quite so enthusiastic about Hamas and Hezbollah and simply uninterested in addressing the anti-semitism endemic in his party

  10. #20
    I'm not agreeing with what Sir C says, merely pointing out that you (he) are still presenting silly rebuttals which hardly help the issue. Lots of slave owners gave work to lots of black people so they definitely aren't racist then. Didn't Nigel Farage marry a foreigner - bang goes the Xenophobia accusations against UKIP

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