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Thread: Doping in Sport: The tip of the iceberg?

  1. #1

    Doping in Sport: The tip of the iceberg?

  2. #2

    Tennis though, nobody really cares about tennis, do they?

    A sport for gayers and divorcees

  3. #3

    It's funny when they try and make a point of it only being banned since the start of the year, as

    if they had been using it without knowing the benefits for the last 10 years.

  4. #4

    Of course, but the world desperately needs more excuses to circulate pictures of

    slim, Russian blonde dollies. Lawn tennis will do.

  5. #5

    Yes, but it is the first instance of doping by an attractive woman, so that's significant

  6. #6

    Without wishing to come over all Neg (as it were), it's clear to anyone with half a brain that all

    professional sport is undoubtedly riddled with doping at its highest levels.

    Because...why on earth wouldn't it be?

  7. #7

    She's a bit 'meh' though, isnt she?

    I mean, she's no Julianne Moore

  8. #8

    Dollies is dollies Shrug

    Pulchritudo in oculo conspicientis est and a' that.

  9. #9

    I am looking forward to her trying to justify exactly which medical condition she's been taking it

    for 10 years for. 10 years. A decade.

    Typical Russian.

  10. #10

    I'm pretty sure 99 out of 100 photocopier repair men would disagree with you.

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