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Thread: So here's one for those who still believe in the Germany efficiency myth

  1. #1

    So here's one for those who still believe in the Germany efficiency myth

    "Have a half day on Tuesday - it's a carnival. Start drinking at 1 in the afternoon - oh and be in work normally on Wednesday" *******s

  2. #2

    Did you grope any chicks?

  3. #3

    Do i look muslamic?

    Yes - but it's ok we work together

  4. #4

    You have a beard Nod

    The question is valid.

  5. #5

    To be honest, he doesn't really share the Allan's attitude to alcohol.

    That would be the first thing I'd notice about him.

  6. #6

    Religion is simply a set of guidelines by which one may choose to live their life.

    One can where appropriate choose to ignore some.

    I for example did not attend mass this morning, the opening day of Lent.

  7. #7

    Different matter entirely in Germany though. Fully integrated, you see Nod

  8. #8

    Oh f**k, it's Ash Wednesday! Thanks for the reminder, sw.

    I shall give up erm, chocolate for Lent. Chocolate, fags and booze. Also sexytime. And music, definitely no music.

  9. #9

    I fully support their attitude to alcohol

    more for me, then you see.

    Friend of mine went up to Cologne for carnival - not heard from him since. Do you think there was naughtiness?

  10. #10

    We'll never know, la. Reporting such incidents would be racist, you see.

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