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Thread: So it would seem Per and Arsene share an unlikely common bond

  1. #1

    So it would seem Per and Arsene share an unlikely common bond

  2. #2

    Did you see John McDonnell claiming that Corbyn was the Arsene Wenger of politics yesterday?

    AW should sue.

  3. #3

    I didnt but it's a very good analogy

    I bloody love JMcD

  4. #4

    Neither knows how to knot a tie, I suppose.

  5. #5

    ...or organise a defence

  6. #6

  7. #7

    Yes. If you leave out AW's legendary loyalty, widespread respect throughout his profession and -

    oh yes - track record of success.

    I love McDonnell, too. Although I suspect for different reasons.

    Abbott's still good for a laugh, though. Her interview on Newsnight last night wasn't so much a car crash as a 52-vehicle pile-up. Even her favourite, talking-to-a-backwards-child-having-a-tantrum soothing tones weren't saving her.

  8. #8

    On records of success, hows the elimination of the budget deficit going?

    I'm not defending Dianne Abbot, mind

  9. #9

    I could have sworn we were discussing Jeremy Corbyn and Arsene Wenger? Shrug

    You'll knacker your clutch if you keep trying to change gear like that, j.

  10. #10

    I must say, you sound relatively chipper for a man who's endured the darts.

    Clearly there's something to be said for watered-down lager

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