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Thread: I've discovered that where I'm going to be staying in Singapore next time I go has this pool Frown

  1. #1

    I've discovered that where I'm going to be staying in Singapore next time I go has this pool Frown

    Why? Why would they do that? When will the designers of tall buildings grasp that many people suffer from acrophobia and don't find this **** in any way amusing?

  2. #2

    Hi bro do you suffer panic attacks, anxiety and depression bro?

    Just refuse to go bro. I sometimes refuse to go to the jobcentre due to my anxiety.


  3. #3

    They always show that on the Singapore GP. Looks terrifying.

    Though 'phobias' are supposed to be irrational. Nothing irrational about being scared about **** like falling off a skyscraper or mountain. See also, Islamophobia.

  4. #4

    Indeed. I have little tolerance for made-up phobias like people who are scared of baked beans, but

    an unwillingness to risk falling hundreds of feet to one's death seems fairly reasonable to me.

  5. #5

    I have a monumental fear of heights

    dont worry, these things arent that bad, they always shoot them from that sort of angle

  6. #6

    Pray tell how you are going to fall out of the infinity pool and down the side of the building?

    Over ambitious on the diving board perhaps.

  7. #7

    How is the fear of bean-juice going viral all over your breakfast going, anyway?

    Have you perfected the art of the sausage-dam yet?

  8. #8

    Oh, I realise there isn't water casacading constantly off the edge of the building onto the streets

    below, but even the illusion of it's bad enough imo.

    Don't get me started on f**king 'skylifts' :shudder:

    Got in one in the Heron Tower in London up to the restaurant at the top. Going down, it took every ounce of courage I had to step onto a glass floor hundreds of feet up in the air.

    I had to close my eyes and whimper in terror as I went all the way down (much like when I was with your mum).

  9. #9

    Sheer drops is mine, oddly I don't mind ski lifts at all

    apart from cable cars :shudder:

  10. #10

    I went to a dentist the other day who specialised in people who have phobias of such creatures

    Having a phobia of the evil f**kers who become dentists isn't irrational either - they are all *******s (except Manuel)

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