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Thread: Jose Mourinho is claiming he only has a few serial champions

  1. #1

    Jose Mourinho is claiming he only has a few serial champions

    Should get these lads in

  2. #2

    Or this guy:

  3. #3

    Have they coloured their hair grey?

  4. #4

    It certainly looks that way

    I have to say, I'm quite pleased f**kparade hassled them.

  5. #5

    They seem like nice enough guys tbh who had an idea and ran with it.

    That "protest", if you can call it that, was embarrassing.

    They clearly know nothing about development in the area if they've got a problem with that place.

    There's a f**king Subway literally opposite it.

  6. #6


    You are right though - Subway or Starbucks are far more evil

  7. #7

    Can't believe people would queue up to pay 4 quid for a bowl of cereal tbh. I suppose they

    realised if you put something slightly weird in Brick Lane lots of vapid c**ts would queue up to go and then tell their mates about the awesome morning they had at the cool new cereal cafe.

  8. #8

    They seem like a pair of c**ts is what they seem

    You're right though, they're by far not the most egregious c**ts in EC, after all that's a well contested title.

    I think it's worth noting I dont endorse the views of f**kparade, merely that I am a black belt misanthrope.

  9. #9

    If people spent less time whining about not having a job, or not earning enough, and followed the

    example set by these weird looking fellas, they'd probably be in a better situation

  10. #10

    They are Irish.

    I assume they moved to avoid the daily shoeings they would have been on the end of.

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