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Thread: I'm considering changing my avatar.

  1. #1

    I'm considering changing my avatar.

    I think I'm finally over the whole situation. I hope that one day Sir C can finally move on.

    A nice pic of Welbz or Ozil would be nice?*

    * I realise this is very childish. A bit like getting a name on the back of a shirt.

  2. #2

    By the time it gets approved Fabregas will have retired imo.

    I'd go for Sanchez. Best thing since sliced bread (or Henry)

  3. #3

    Luckily, avatar change is currently verboten.

    The system's f**ked, I believe.

    So you're stuck with Cesc, n. In your picture, and in your heart

  4. #4

    Why not have sliced bread then?

    Sanchez will leave one day.

    Sliced bread will always at least allow you toast, which is in fact the best thing since sliced bread.

  5. #5

    hehe Wise words as ever SW

  6. #6

    I am a big fan of toast BB.

    Huge in fact.

    All sorts.

  7. #7

    It is incredible really. So simple, easy and fast yet so nice and you can put almost

    anything on it. You've made my mind up. Toasted bacon sarnie it is

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