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Thread: Jorge. Chart of SE England. Note VRPs at Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells, M25/M23 junction etc.

  1. #1

    Jorge. Chart of SE England. Note VRPs at Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells, M25/M23 junction etc.

    And beacons - VOR (VHF Omnidirectional) at Biggin Hill, Mayfield, Lydd and Detling, with NDB (non-directional) at Rochester and Lashenden.

  2. #2

    hehe and of course Reigate Railway Station and Nokia Factory

    If anything that chart has made me suspect you're making it all up

  3. #3

    Shrug It's all true.

    Of course these days we have satnav to help out.

  4. #4

    This is worse than the mandarin duck.

  5. #5

    indeed nokia do not have a factory in uk as far as i know ?

  6. #6

    How is it? Go on, how is it worse than the mandarin duck?

    Jorge was interested in something so I went out of my way to demonstrate a point.

    Now explain to me, slowly and in words of few syllables, how that is worse than the mandarin f**king duck.

  7. #7

    Because the mandarin duck was amusingly dull.

    This is just f**king dull.

    What next, the most treacherous wind speeds? Least favourite type of fog to fly through? Your favourite f**king joystick?

    Come on c, up your game.

  8. #8

    Right, well if someone asks me a question I'll check with you first before replying, shall I?

    Just to make sure it's intersting enough.

    That bird's got sticky out rabbit teeth, as well.

  9. #9

    Re: Because the mandarin duck was amusingly dull.

  10. #10

    Intense parachuting at Lasenden.

    Do we know why?

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