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Thread: It seems to be a regular occurance that Wenger is blaming our defending

  1. #1

    It seems to be a regular occurance that Wenger is blaming our defending

    seeing as he is the manager who saw 3 players leave and only signed 2 he should have seen this coming.

    It was pointed out last season we were short in this area, we are even shorter now and have far less expereice. So IMHO he is the one who should carry the blame for our defensive problems

  2. #2

    Would you say that we needed to sign a centre hald and a defensive midfielder then?

    I'm surprised you haven't mentioned this before.

  3. #3

    I blame Thatcher.

  4. #4

    Nobody ever points out that things started to go downhill for us when blair stood down

    We were brilliant under tony blair

  5. #5

    That's enough for me to wish we never won anything

  6. #6

  7. #7

    I'll say this for you, Peter: you are at least one of the few people who admits voting for Blair.

    The number of people you know full well must have voted for the c**t several times and yet never seem to stop slagging him off is genuinely extraordinary.

  8. #8

    Yes, and her seemingly endless 150 year reign of socialist terror

  9. #9

    He let 4 players leave......don't forget Djourou.

  10. #10

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