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Thread: This proves once and for all that missing out on CL doesn't stop clubs signing top players

  1. #1

    This proves once and for all that missing out on CL doesn't stop clubs signing top players

  2. #2

  3. #3

    It's almost as if money dictates where the commodities go.

  4. #4

    And vice versa.

  5. #5

    Especially when you pay them 300k a week.

  6. #6

    it doesn't stop clubs paying 300k a week, no.

  7. #7

    Players dont really care about it that much. When they say champions league football they

    Mean champions league wages. If you are prepared to pay them it they will come.

    Not all of them, obviously. But some of them. But then not others, if you see what i mean.

  8. #8

    It's an 'all or bust' situation there. They could come mightily unstuck here, and go the Belgrano


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