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Thread: How can anyone say "TGIF" (the letters) with a straight face?

  1. #1

    How can anyone say "TGIF" (the letters) with a straight face?

  2. #2

    Must we be that cynical?

    Life is to be lived to its fullest, Mr. Puma. A little joie de vivre never hurt anyone, not even an Englishman.

  3. #3

    "Happy Friday" Shake head

    Why do people say that?

  4. #4

    Oh, I'm not English. (Not that there's anything wrong with that) :onthinice:

    Cynicism makes up about 95% of my converstational material, the rest is bitterness. So there's not that much to choose from.

    I wish I could share your enthusiasm for Ms. Black, but I am afraid it is a lost cause.

  5. #5

    Gawd knows, oh btw happy Friday LA (from O'Neills)

  6. #6

    Cheeky Pernod with Samir Solano?

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