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Thread: non-footie -- an article with a lot of mind-blowing stuff

  1. #1

    non-footie -- an article with a lot of mind-blowing stuff

  2. #2

  3. #3

    very cool

  4. #4

    Why is it mind blowing? None of the information is new. Fermi first posited his paradox

    50 years ago. I think you mean the information has been packaged up into chunks that suit your attention span.

    Think of all that stuff you're missing that hasn't yet been fashioned into a "Ten of" list for you with info-graphics

  5. #5

    Far out in the unchartered backwaters of the western spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small,

    unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this, at a distance of roughly 93 million miles in an utterly insignificant blue-green planet, whose ape-descended life-forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think social media is a good idea.

  6. #6

    Nice giant jellyfish. Is there one of the spaghetti monster too?

    Or perhaps the Great Green Arkleseizure?

  7. #7

    stop being a dick -- does it have to be new to be mind-blowing?

    i associated fermi with nuclear fission before i read that article, so it's new to me.

    if you are so open-minded that you've digested all this complicated information so many years before us laymen, then why so many assumptions and pre-judgment in your comment?

    thanks for putting down war and peace to descend to the ranks of mortals with short attention spans and grace us with your wisdom.

  8. #8

    and if you are so up on all this **** -- tell me without reading the article

    why it would be bad news for us if we found complex fossils on mars?

    the article is NOTHING like a trite list with superfluous graphics. quite the opposite -- it explains complex topics in easily-digested prose and uses graphics to facilitate that understanding.

    i just can't stand running into unprovoked bad energy like you just exhibited.

  9. #9

  10. #10

    I'm still thrashing around trying to get up to speed on the Dyson Sphere Frown

    I would have assumed it to be a directional control mechanism on a vacuum cleaner.

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