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Thread: Well let's all be grateful she didn't go for the skintight option Puke

  1. #1

    Well let's all be grateful she didn't go for the skintight option Puke

  2. #2

    Don't we have a ton of fat guys on here? If so, you are being very offensive.

  3. #3

    That is the skintight version.

  4. #4

    Maybe she did? That's her on the way into the shop, not out of it...

  5. #5

    Sure, but she just happened to be the first picture of a fan wearing the new strip I could find.

    The point really was to highlight the vast gulf between what this kit looks like on players and what it looks like on the revoltingly unappealing people who'll actually buy it.

  6. #6

    The majority of us probably would

    And probably have, a lot worse

  7. #7


  8. #8

    Oh, Christ. You're right. Puke

  9. #9

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