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Thread: This 2 years potential ban for Suarez. Would that be for internationals only or across the board?

  1. #1

    This 2 years potential ban for Suarez. Would that be for internationals only or across the board?

  2. #2

    I don't know. But I can state that I would find it hilarious if he was banned from all football.

  3. #3

    It oughtn't to be. Why should a prem player have to play with someone that keeps biting despite


    Imagine he shagged a slapper and passed on a disease. If he sued no way could the FA claim that this was either a normal risk from playing or they didn't have any idea it may happen.

    Ban the buck-toothed wop-muncher now.

    For some reason I really can't stand him.

    (ok the reason is that youtube vid of stamping opponents and then rolling as if he's be hurt, in exactly the same way every time.)

    If he ever does that to one of our lads, I hope Per picks him up by the throat and bites his nose off. And bugger the consequences.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    I'm kind of hoping FIFA turn a blind eye to it tbh.

    The lad is pure comedy gold.

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