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Thread: Thanks to George W. for giving a better life to Iraqis than under Saddam..

  1. #1

    Thanks to George W. for giving a better life to Iraqis than under Saddam..

  2. #2

    Great isn't it? Western imperialism - sorry, foreign policy - creating a caliphate stretching from

    the Gulf to the shores of the Med. Happy days.

  3. #3

    and thank Obama and Cameron for funding and backing this new Jihadi ISIS Al quaeda in Syria

    and supplying them with weapons..amerika and uk..create taliban to fight russuians..oops..create al quaeda to fight palestinian and arab nationalism with muslims..oopps..then do it again in it again in Syria and iraq.. Its almost like they want perpetual war to make it easier to grab oil, keep the military apparatus buying stuff..create bogeymen once communism was gone.. but im sure its really because they love democracy and feedom like..saudi, yemen, egypt, bahrain

    i know its early but..cnuts to a man..too good for kill em all

    anyway no point in worrying as everyone happy with this and media just ignores it and life keeps on tootling along with the top 1% richer than the victorian days.

    hopefully one day we can rise and kill them all but doubt busy looking at TOWIEs new swimsuit..well done us imo

  4. #4

  5. #5

    They'll all be fleeing to Germany and Sweden soon, LA. Man the borders!

  6. #6

    Too right, all these politicians have been conspiring for the last 40 years.

  7. #7

    That cat looks well evil - I think he may be behind everything

  8. #8

    I am sure Angela has plans to find them a bit of living space in Poland

  9. #9

    Oil-grabbing racist Amerikan-Zionist bankers conspirass cat, you mean?

  10. #10

    Nod They are everywhere

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