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Thread: Kilinsmann is getting spit-roasted over here

  1. #1

    Kilinsmann is getting spit-roasted over here -klinsmann-we-cannot-win-the-world-cup/

    For stating the obvious.

    We are gearing up to have our minds on soccerball for two weeks here, in the space between the NHL Finals, the NBA Finals, The Belmont and the US Open of course.

  2. #2

    Re: spit-roasted

    Thought that was a sexual thing.

    Is it? He is German after all

  3. #3


    No idea what you young whippersnappers are doing with your sexual morays and terms.

  4. #4

    I can assure you I only have consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the sole

    purpose of procreation

    How do you reckon the US will do in the World Cup?

  5. #5

    my prediction

    draw against Ghana and a loss to Portugal and Germany.

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