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Thread: 30 mile hilly run today , 4 hour 40 min , hung over and 4 hour kip friday , first run over 19 miles

  1. #1

    30 mile hilly run today , 4 hour 40 min , hung over and 4 hour kip friday , first run over 19 miles

    Well done me imo smoked loads last night too, after 20 miles its reminded me of overdosing on E tbh massive rushes then crashing lows , sick in mouth , wobbly legs , the trees around you start to go backwards..mild halucinations it was quite mental ! Luckily my old skills of keeping going through a whitey spin out came in usefull ! Quite addictive

  2. #2

    Rip Snin

    Just practicing

  3. #3

    Must have been one massive hill imo

    well done, though!

  4. #4

    ill not have sniff the night before and half bottle o plymouth gin next time imo

    Or 20 me indeed lay in bed shaking for an hour after cold bath..thought it was all over back on it again now mind for boxing

  5. #5

    Not bad at all Snin. Im impressed

    I cant remember if I took you off my death list but imagine how smug I would have felt if not and you had died during that run.

  6. #6

    just took it easy tbh best 26.3 miles in it was 4 hr 06 the last 4 miles were deadly

    Mt best half marathon on is 1 hr 32 , doing this in Sept

  7. #7

    strength through joy mate

    I assume you familiar with this saying f

  8. #8

    ahhh i wooosh on your massive hill comnent

    hilly not one hill

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