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Thread: They dont make ads like this any more

  1. #1

    They dont make ads like this any more

  2. #2



  3. #3

    That is jawdroppingly astonishing.

  4. #4

    atari 2600? xmas ever.

  5. #5

    Do you think he had copy approval

    "Yeah, it's just you holding the Atari and smiling, steve"

    "Sweet, I'm off round to Paul's for some tofu sausages then"

  6. #6

    I never had one Frown

    My friend did though.

  7. #7

    well, the graphics were very good for the time tbf.

    But jaw dropping would be slightly over egging it.

    Oh, wait, you mean the blind guy.......

  8. #8

    They clearly felt they could write what they wanted and he'd never know different.

  9. #9

    I recreated the Adventure dragon on my feeble ZX81.

    It took up half the screen, and a quarter of the memory.

    And it wasn't even in colour

  10. #10

    Apparently he spent years trying to master the saxophone.

    Before someone finally told him that he was blowing into an umbrella.

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