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Thread: Arry seems to say a lot about Spud and Arsenal while his team lose another game and 11 points

  1. #1

    Arry seems to say a lot about Spud and Arsenal while his team lose another game and 11 points

    behind Leicester

  2. #2

    He's a member of Black Scarf, btw

    Thinks Wenger doesn't spend enough and ticket prices are too high. A SUPERFAN, if you will.

  3. #3

    You do realize, that due to geographical location, when the time comes

    For Stan to be 'taken out', you will have to do the deed

  4. #4

    no worries, I know where he lives

    It's the two bedroom split level with carport that is just down the road.

    Or maybe not.

  5. #5

    Just be ready when you get the call Thumb Up

  6. #6

    ready? pbbbb... always ready, bb

    armed and ready 24/7

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