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Thread: The wife spent about a grand on fireworks for tonight. Germans ****er

  1. #1

    The wife spent about a grand on fireworks for tonight. Germans ****er

  2. #2

    Do they happen to look like this?

  3. #3

    If only. We've got plenty of that sort of thing about the place already.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    In your experience, red, are all German women clinically insane

    or is it just all the ones I meet? Maybe it is a Bavarian thing - most things are around here

  6. #6

    Re: The wife spent about a grand on fireworks for tonight. Germans ****er

  7. #7

    Since meeting the wife I've always avoided them, to be honest :shudder:

  8. #8

    Occupational hazard here - on the plus side at least they like their beer

  9. #9

    They're brilliant really; God's finest work. It's just that it's best to avoid them, if poss.

  10. #10

    or just meet them while drunk

    It is going to be a long Sylvester

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