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Thread: Anyone watch the documentary 'Blackfish' about the killer whales at Seaworld?

  1. #1

    Anyone watch the documentary 'Blackfish' about the killer whales at Seaworld?

    The trainer who was pulled under three times and managed to maintain his cool so he could breath underwater until the whale released him

  2. #2

    he could breath underwater ??!! surley that should have had its own documentary!

  3. #3

    Nah, I've got it saved, worth a watch?

    I did manage to take in that doc about the heroic Kim Philby the other day though, cracking documentary about a very admirable fellow who sacrificed so much for a cause he really believed in.

  4. #4

    Breathe under water?

  5. #5

    Deffo. Put it this way, as someone who is normally bang up for a gore fest

    I was sufficiently moved to have absolutely no desire to see any of the whale-on-trainer attacks that have been caught on camera over the years.

    I may watch that Kim Philby one as a companion piece to this, which was excellent old_War_Britain_Red_Dawn/

  6. #6

    I was a bit disappointed with that tbh

    An utterly skewed, biased and one-sided take on history. I honestly think they made it just to show the tories they can trot out trite pro-capitalist propaganda-by-numbers, as if there was a doubt about that.

  7. #7

    Was watching it and then the gf made me turn it off at the bit where they took the baby orcas away

    from their parents as it made her blub.

  8. #8

    sounds to me like you are fishing Sir C and B rather than an Orca imo with that post

  9. #9

    I only saw the first episode, but mainly enjoyed it for the way it helped crystallise

    how communism at at the time *could* have seemed like a viable alternative.

  10. #10

    I am beneath such awful tactics

    you *******

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