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Thread: Anyone good with Wordpress on here?

  1. #1

    Anyone good with Wordpress on here?

  2. #2

    It's sort of my job


  3. #3

    Ah there you are j.

    I'm using a free theme with non-customisable CSS (not ready to shell out yet) and can't figure out how to use an image in the main body of the post as a link to the text.

    Basically I'm able to use the image as a link when I create another private post to link it to, but this is obviously hidden and inaccessible for everyone apart from me.

    Help jorge kenobi you're my only hope

  4. #4

    Do you mean linking an image to another place in the article?

    You need to look into anchor links

    Try this, sorry about the munter.

    Perhaps you might find it easier to use a plugin though, if so try this

  5. #5

    Kind of. I want the image to be the title essentially.

    Alternatively is there a way to limit the amount of words that are displayed in the post? As in, setting a 5 sentence limit say and then it has one of those 'read more' links or something?

    Basically I just don't want a block of 200 odd words below the title image clogging up the front page every time I post.

  6. #6

    I'm not sure that's the best way forward tbh

    For the excerpt length, it's highly dependent on the theme but you probably want

  7. #7


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